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An Affirmation for a New Beginning

Speak into existence what you desire, harnessing the power of love and your willpower to rebuild your life anew.
Speak into existence what you desire, harnessing the power of love and your willpower to rebuild your life anew.

I accept where I am in life right at this moment. I let go of attachments to people, places, things, and entities.

I am whole. I am whole. I am whole.

I forgive myself. I forgive the world.

I trust the universe for guidance, and I trust myself and my abilities to rebuild myself and my life based on love.

 I love myself. I trust the universe.

 I use my willpower to build my life anew, based on the foundation of love.

I vow to myself to stand up for myself.

So be it. So it is.


Flying Books

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