The process of creation is complicated and yet very simple. Complicated when your mind is holding the reins too tightly and tries to control every aspect of creation.
The mind has limited perspective. It only knows what's already in it. It creates through beliefs, past stories, lessons learned, or knowledge. So, in order to create better things, better outcomes, better relationships, a better life, you need to connect the dots in your mind or expand your mind by learning more. Which is not really creation. It is connecting the dots. Creation becomes simple and joyful when it is heart-led. When you let your mind calm down, release control, and allow your heart to expand, take the lead, and create.
Creation is an act of love. It is about expressing love, expressing beauty, and expressing solutions that the mind alone can NEVER come up with. Solutions that are divine, not harmful in any way. Solutions that are not based on ego.
Creation from the heart feels expansive, expanding the universe through love, through co-creation, through joy, through the power of love.
Love expands the universe, while anything else creates more darkness in one or more areas.
Love-based creations are permanent, while mind-made creations are self-destructive in the end.
True creativity is heart-led, with the mind following. It is an act of expanding the universe beyond what exists in it at this moment.
A channeled message led by my heart with cooperation from my mind by Alina S. Founder of Master It in 90 Days
A snippet of the book, Co-Creation. Coming soon.