When you hear the word “freedom,” you probably think about external things—freedom of speech, freedom to travel, freedom from rules or obligations. But real freedom is not about what’s happening outside of you. It’s about an internal state of freedom, a place of wholeness where you are free from neediness. True freedom means being detached from the constant cravings for approval, validation, and external power. It’s about knowing that nothing outside of you—whether it’s money, fame, social status, or a job that looks good on paper but betrays your soul—can make you betray your values or your sense of worth.
When you cultivate this internal freedom, you no longer feel the pull to chase things that ultimately restrict your true freedom. Let’s break down why this inner freedom is what really matters.
Chasing External Validation: The Trap of Power, Status, and Possessions
We all want to feel safe, secure, powerful, and worthy. But when you look outside yourself for these feelings—whether it’s a high-status job, an impressive title, or material possessions—you risk falling into a trap of external validation. These external markers of success can easily become tools that control you, rather than signs of true freedom.
Think about it: chasing a prestigious job title or wearing expensive brands because they boost your self-esteem puts your self-worth in the hands of external forces. You are now dependent on these things to feel good about yourself, but they are fleeting and unreliable.
When you rely on external validation, such as job titles, social status, or material possessions, you’re not truly free. You are controlled by these traps, constantly needing more to feel secure, worthy, or accomplished. The moment those things are no longer available or fail to bring the expected satisfaction, your sense of freedom crumbles.
Be Careful Not to Rely on External Factors for Your Sense of Self-Worth
You must be careful not to rely on external factors like social status, job titles, or possessions for your sense of self-worth. When you do, you lose your freedom and independence. You become a subject to being controlled by situations and people who provide these illusions of external power. Over time, this dependency can lead to a betrayal of your soul and values. The constant need to keep up with these external forces will ultimately result in the loss of your true freedom and dignity.
Relying on external validation means you are allowing others and circumstances to dictate your self-worth. This places you in a vulnerable position where your choices and actions are driven by the need to please or maintain an illusion of success, rather than staying true to your core values. In the end, this can lead to a deep sense of regret as you realize you have compromised your integrity in the pursuit of things that were never truly fulfilling.
The Hidden Cost of Compromising Your Freedom
This need for approval and validation can lead you to make choices that compromise your freedom. You might accept a job that looks great on paper but forces you to betray your values, all for the sake of maintaining your image. You might find yourself pursuing external rewards like money or fame, only to realize that they’re making you feel emptier inside.
Many fall into the trap of believing that a higher salary, a prestigious job title, or greater social status will finally bring them happiness. But here’s the truth: if you are trading your internal freedom—the freedom to live according to your values and sense of worth—for these external rewards, you will always feel like something is missing. You will always be chasing something else, something more, to fill the void.
How to Unlock True Freedom
Here’s the game-changer: true freedom doesn’t come from what you own, what you wear, what your social status is, what your job title is, or who you associate with. It comes from within. When you stop relying on external things to define your worth, and stop seeking approval from others, you unlock a kind of freedom that cannot be taken away.
True freedom is about feeling whole and complete on your own, without needing external validation or possessions to prove your worth. Once you achieve this inner freedom, you can still enjoy material things—your job, your possessions, your achievements—but they no longer control you. You make choices based on what truly matters to you, not out of a need to impress others or fill an internal gap.
Don’t Let External Traps Control Your Freedom
Whether it's a job title, material possessions, or social status, these external markers of success are not inherently bad. But if you rely on them to fill an internal void, they become traps that control you. The need for validation, power, or approval from external sources can lead you to compromise your values, your integrity, and ultimately, your freedom.
The moment you are controlled by external forces, your internal freedom is at risk. True freedom comes from detaching from these external illusions and finding your sense of worth within yourself. When you are self-reliant and whole, you are no longer at the mercy of society’s expectations or material desires.
Freedom Is Your Most Valuable Asset
Your freedom is one of the most valuable things you possess, and it’s worth protecting. Every decision you make should honor your internal freedom. Ask yourself: Am I compromising my values or my freedom to chase external rewards? Am I allowing external expectations to dictate my worth?
In the end, true freedom is about living in alignment with who you are, free from the need for validation or external approval. It’s about finding peace within yourself, so you can live authentically, without being controlled by what you own, what you wear, or who you associate with.
Freedom is an inner state of being, where detachment leads to feeling whole, complete, and self-reliant, untouched by the illusory powers of the external world. Protect this freedom, for it is priceless.